“We are located at the Research Institute for Medicines at the Pharmacy Faculty of the Lisbon University and our research interests span over the interface of organic chemistry and biology.”

Chemistry offers unique possibilities to rationally manipulate biological processes and will most certainly play a major role in unravelling solutions for current unmet medical needs. Broadly our team is focusing on discovering innovative chemical methods that permit the construction of functional molecules, and on applying these technologies to the construction of therapeutic bioconjugates.

In detail, the discovery of new functional boron complexes, methods to functionalize proteins in a reversibly and/or orthogonal manner, and the assembly of stimuli responsive bioconjugates are the center of our current efforts.


Diazaborines are a Versatile Platform to Develop ROS Responsive Antibody Drug Conjugates
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021 60, 25914-25921

Efficient Amino‐Sulfhydryl Stapling on Peptides and Proteins Using Bifunctional
NHS‐Activated Acrylamides
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 10850

Modular Assembly of Reversible Multivalent Targeting Drug Conjugates
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 9346 –9350

Iminoboronates are Efficient Intermediates for Selective, Rapid and Reversible N-Terminal Cysteine Functionalisation
Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 5052

Iminoboronates: A New Strategy for Reversible Protein Modification
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 10299


Septembre 2023 

Excellent news, Rafaela was awarded a FCT doctorate scholarship

July 2023 

Congratulations Mariama for concluding your PhD with and excellent viva

January 2023 

Welcome back João António and Fábio Santos now as Junior Researchers supported by FCT!

September 2020 

Our PhD student, Maria José Silva, will stay for 6 months in the Gasser Group at the Chimie ParisTech. Enjoy your stay, have fun and work hard, Maria!

August 2020 

The group has a new PhD candidate! Rita Padanha is going to start her PhD thesis in here in Gois Lab, sponsored by SPQ. Good luck Rita!

June 2020 

Congratulations to João António and Silvia Baldo for defending theirs PhDs with great sucess! Hope a fruitful future for these two!

March 2020 

FULL STOP at Gois Lab due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Paper-writing time, notebook-updating time and also, time to be safe.

October 2019 

Congratulations to Roberto Russo for defending his PhD brilliantly!

September 2019 

Congratulations to João António for being selected for a flash poster presentation at the EFMC-ASMC’19 in Athens. Good luck, João!

September 2019 

The group has a new member! Bernardo comes from University of Leeds for a full year of great research! Welcome to the team, Bernardo!


Functional Materials

Inspired by Nature’s repertoire of functional molecules, supramolecular chemistry evolved into a powerful strategy to assemble functional systems that can self-sort, self-heal, adapt, exchange, replicate or even transcribe. The exploitation of this dynamic features is particularly appealing to control multifactorial biological problems that require the interaction with multiple targets and stimuli-responsiveness to different chemical environments. However, these superstructures prepared based on noncovalent interactions involving ions and molecules in complexes often display poor stability, particularly in solution, and they are frequently difficult to characterize. Reversible covalent bonds, that depending on the conditions can be as labile as non-covalent interactions or as permanent as covalent bonds have the potential to enable the construction of more stable and well define molecular systems that may respond to specific disease associated stimuli.

In this emerging area of chemical biology we are exploring the reversible coordination chemistry of boron centers to assemble functional complexes with suitable properties to interfere with biological processes associated with cancer, neurodegeneration and protein misfolding.

Active areas of research include:

1. Discovery of new responsive molecules

2. Design of stimuli-responsive linkers for bioconjugates

3. Modular fluorophore platforms for bioimaging applications.

Protein Functionalization

The chemical functionalization of proteins is a strategy of paramount importance to study fundamental biological processes, though the marginal stability of proteins and the overabundance of functionalities make this an overwhelming challenge as these reactions need to be fast, selective, conducted with high yields in aqueous media at low concentrations, physiological pH, temperature and pressure.

Continuing a long standing interest in the design of new synthetic methodologies and on the use of water as a reaction media, we are now developing a series of methodologies to functionalize proteins with a particular focus on technologies that enable the reversible and/or orthogonal modification of the biomolecule.

Active areas of research include:

1. Development of reversible bioconjugation methods

2. Orthogonal and site-selective bioconjugation methods exploring Cys, Lys and N-terminal residues

3. Proximity driven bioconjugation methods

Targeted Therapy

In recent years, the use multifunctional constructs in which biomolecules like peptides and proteins, small vitamins or nucleic acids are endowed with the properties of specific payloads has emerged as leading therapeutics in oncology. Extensive studies in this area clearly suggest that the clinical success of bioconjugates is intimately related with the chemistries used to connect the functional components. Therefore, we are studying new formats of bioconjugates for drug delivery for oncology. The focus is to discover new bioconjugation methods and linker technologies that may be used to generate targeting drug conjugates with more well-defined structures and with mechanisms that trigger a therapeutic action as a direct response to the disease chemical environment. 


Pedro M. P. Gois

Postdoctoral researchers

Dr. Fábio Santos

FCT Junior Reseracher


Dr. João António

FCT Junior Reseracher


PhD candidates


MedChem PhD Training Program


Rita Padanha

SPQ PhD Fellowship


Raquel Rodrigues Lopes

FCT PhD Fellowship (supervised by Paula Leandro)


Philip O’Toole

FCT PhD Fellowship (supervised by Eurico Cabrita)


Master students

Rafaela Cavadas

Master thesis



You can be the next member of our group!