Septembre 2023 

Excellent news, Rafaela was awarded a FCT doctorate scholarship

July 2023 

Congratulations Mariama for concluding your PhD with and excellent viva

January 2023 

Welcome back João António and Fábio Santos now as Junior Researchers supported by FCT!

September 2020 

Our PhD student, Maria José Silva, will stay for 6 months in the Gasser Group at the Chimie ParisTech. Enjoy your stay, have fun and work hard, Maria!

August 2020 

The group has a new PhD candidate! Rita Padanha is going to start her PhD thesis in here in Gois Lab, sponsored by SPQ. Good luck Rita!

June 2020 

Congratulations to João António and Silvia Baldo for defending theirs PhDs with great sucess! Hope a fruitful future for these two!

March 2020 

FULL STOP at Gois Lab due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Paper-writing time, notebook-updating time and also, time to be safe.

October 2019 

Congratulations to Roberto Russo for defending his PhD brilliantly!

September 2019 

Congratulations to João António for being selected for a flash poster presentation at the EFMC-ASMC’19 in Athens. Good luck, João!

September 2019 

The group has a new member! Bernardo comes from University of Leeds for a full year of great research! Welcome to the team, Bernardo!