Abstract Submission
All SPCE-TC accepted abstracts can also be published in an Abstract eBook of Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology as Proceeding Communications. IF: 5.2
Participants are invited to submit original scientific abstracts, provided that the abstracts have not been previously published as a full paper. The abstract for Frontiers can be slightly different from the one submitted for SPCE-TC2019, if authors wish not to disclose data.
Abstract submission is only possible via the online submission system.
Participants can express their interest to present an oral or poster communication during the abstract submission process. The abstracts will be selected for oral or poster presentation during the review process by the Scientific Committee. Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance 1 month after abstract submission deadline.
Only registered participants are eligible to present an abstract.
Please adopt the following abstract guidelines:
- Abstracts must be written in English;
- The abstract title must not exceed 500 characters;
- The abstract text must not exceed 750 words;
- The abstract should state the background, aim, methods and results of the study. If any, references and acknowledgements/financial support should be placed at the end of the abstract;
- Abstract authors, affiliations, references and funding information are included in the word count;
- Any pictures, tables or similar are not allowed;
- Abstracts can be linked. To do so, use the same link name for all these abstracts;
- Abstracts must be submitted to a topic listed below:
- Stem Cell Specification and Regulation
- Stem Cells Engineering
- Stem Cells in Disease Modelling and Drug Discovery
- Stem Cells in Cancer
- Cell therapy
- Emerging Clinical Technologies
In addition to abstract submission, participants may apply for a registration fee waiver scholarship.
PLEASE NOTE: After the abstract submission an email confirming the submission will be automatically generated and sent to you (please check your spam folder if you do not receive this e-mail). If you don´t receive this email your abstract has not been registered. The abstract title must be used in all correspondence.
Poster guidelines
The poster size for all paper posters is A0 portrait format, 841 mm x 1189 mm.
Fixing materials will be provided at the poster venue.
If you have any question or technical matter, please contact spcetc@ff.ulisboa.pt
Submit also an abstract for publishing a full manuscript in the
Special Research Topic within the Journals Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology and Frontiers in Genetics, section Stem Cell Research.
Stem Cells in Cancer
Stem Cells Engineering
Stem Cells in Disease Modelling and Drug Discovery
Stem Cell Specification and Regulation
Cell Therapy
Stem Cells: From Bench to Bedside
Emerging Clinical Technologies