SPCE-TC 2019 has partnered with Frontiers
We are extremely excited to announce that 11th SPCE-TC Meeting will have, for the first time, a Special Research Topic for full manuscripts within the Journals Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology and Frontiers in Genetics, in section Stem Cell Research.
This Research Topic will bring together reviews, perspective and original research articles covering the latest breakthroughs from the fields of stem cell research and cell therapies presented at the 11th SPCE-TC meeting, held in Lisbon, Portugal from the 10th-12th of October 2019.
Those attending will be given priority to submit their work for this special edition.
If you would like more information please contact the topic editors Joana Miranda and Susana Solá here.
Submission Deadlines
- Call for Papers: OPEN
- Abstract submission (not mandatory): March 15, 2020
- Manuscript submission: September 30, 2020
- Papers in review: up to October – November 2020
Stem Cells in Cancer
Stem Cells Engineering
Stem Cells in Disease Modelling and Drug Discovery
Stem Cell Specification and Regulation
Cell Therapy
Stem Cells: From Bench to Bedside
Emerging Clinical Technologies